lunes, 16 de agosto de 2010

Organisational behavior and organisational culture

" Culture is more often a source of conflict than of synergy. Cultural differences are a nuisance at best and often a disaster."     Prof. Geert Hofstede, Emeritus Professor, Maastricht University.

The importance of organizational culture and its climate has been a subject of strong interest back from the 80s until today, it stop being a peripheral element in organizations to become a strategically important element.

The development of the organizational culture allows members of the organization to adopt certain behaviors and inhibit others. An open and human work culture encourages participation and mature behavior from all members of the organization, if people are committed and are liable, because the work culture it is a strength that allows organizations to move towards excellence , to success.

The organizational climate is determined by the perception that employees have of the cultural elements, this includes the feelings and the way people react against the characteristics and quality of organizational culture

As  time passes, several economic and demographic trends are causing a great impact on organizational culture. These new trends and the dynamic changes that organizations adopted as an urgent need to move towards technological progress.  Countries and regions model schemes are collapsing when they become obsolete and no longer valid to new realities.
From the broader perspective, globalization, economic openness and competitiveness are a new phenomenon which organizations have to face. Today competitiveness is a key element in the success of any organization, managers or leaders will make efforts to achieve high levels of productivity and efficiency.
Nowadays organizational culture is, broadly speaking, one of the fundamental pillars to support those organizations who want to become competitive in the social context of the textile manufacturing organizations.

The organizations are the expression of a cultural reality, they are called to live in a world of constant change, both sociallyand  economically, and technologically. In both cases, this cultural reality reflects a framework of values, beliefs, ideas, feelings and wishes of an institutional community.

According to Hofstede the most Visible Aspects of the OC are:

Indeed, organizational culture serves as a frame of reference to members of the organization and gives guidelines on how people should behave in it. Many times culture is so obvious that one can see that the behavior of people changes when it goes beyond the factory's gate.

Today organizations need to create structures more flexible to change and this change occurs as a result of learning of its members. This means creating conditions to promote high performance teams, understanding team learning that involves generating more value to the work and adaptability to change with a broad vision for innovation.

The focus of the organizations for the success is the quality of their leaders in full freedom in the sense of autonomy, possessing a high level of capabilities, which allows you to manage the change with proactive vision.

New management schemes are a reflection of the way the organization thinks and operates, demanding among other things: a worker with the knowledge to develop and achieve their business objectives, a flexible process to the changes introduced by the organization, a flat agile structure , reduced to a minimum to create a work environment that meets those involved in the implementation of organizational goals, a system of rewards and incentives based on the effectiveness of the process of sharing the success and risk, and a team participatory work in the actions of the organization.

Find and explain in your blog, 2 real life examples about the business implications of national and organizational culture. you may not use examples or situations already discussed in class or in the recommended readings.

We, managers must be ready deal with multiple ethnic groups with very different cultures. as we all know this is all due to globalization,everyday  you are likely to work with  all sorts of other nationalities. It is important to recognize that people from different cultures have are different in a variety of ways:
 For Example:
In the USA, a firm, short handshake indicates self-confidence and (heterosexual) masculinity but a limp handshake by a man can be interpreted (usually wrongly) as a sign of homosexuality. on the other hand in some parts of Africa, a limp handshake is the correct way to do it. 

Another example could be a simple case I once heard on a class while attending the The conflict Management course on which a British boss asked a new, young American employee if he would like to have an early lunch at 11 am each day. The employee said 'Yeah, that would be great! The boss immediately said "With that kind of attitude, you may as well forget about lunch" The employee and the boss were both baffled by what went wrong. (In England, saying "yeah" in that context is seen as rude and disrespectful)

some other cultural differences between France and The USA are explained on the following video:

Do you think there is a corporate culture in every organisation?
 Can it be modified?

In the present bussines enviroment when we think about an organization, we have to take into a count that it  has it own culture, even if they are in the same country and share the same national culture because every time a group of people within a company interacts, they create new behavioral patterns that could end up being considered as a unique group culture that represents that group in particular and which without a doubt at the end affects the organizational operations, and the people working for it making every organizations develops its own corporate culture. According to Ellen Wallach, "Organization culture is like pornography; it is hard to define, but you know it when you see it."
Once a corporate culture is defined within a company it can either affects the Organization in a good or in a bad way; Normally when it affects the company in a good way, nobody complaints and everybody is happy, the problems usually appears as in everything when this corporate culture is affecting the organization in a bad way,
because this corporate culture can be modified but is not an easy task, once head of the management gets aware of the areas he would like to modify, the next step becomes more difficult because it usually requires serious commitment from all levels of the organization but especaially from all the management department, the management department has be ready to gain their employees cooperation in this proccess because the must accept that some of them will resist the change; they must understand that takes effort, time and consistency to change it and try to establish a positive Orcanizational Culture

Organizational Behavior