sábado, 23 de octubre de 2010

Managing Diversity

When running a bussines it is important to keep in mind the importance of diversity in the company and how it may affect the decision, atmosphere and status. How diversity spreads through many layers of human complexity. Managers should view multiculturalism as an opportunity to maximize innovation and communication skills.

Managing diversity can increase the good performance of the staff of an organization, using the teamwork as an approach of support and creativity. It is important to deal with diversity, to be more productive, the entire individuals have different capacities that the company could use to improve its efficiency.

According to Chevrier, diversity cannot be an obstacle in the organization, the cooperation between companies is necessary to be more competitive. The alliances are a key part for businesses for that reason is important that the students be open-mind and expert in topics like managing conflicts, communication, accepting authority and cooperation.

Diversity benefits individuals, teams and organizations. In the individual increase employee self-awareness of biases, stereotypes and prejudices, enhance worker tolerance for people who are different, and form employees who are more flexible and able to deal with change. In the teams maximizes innovation and productivity on complex tasks, counter with different approaches to thinking and problem-solving, and improve communication skills and the ability to work productively in groups. In the organization augment flexibility, adaptability and pro-activity within the organization, access to a diverse range of markets, customers, suppliers and distributors, translating into bottom line results.

 Merck Sharp & Dohm.
managing diversity program
The strategy revolves mainly around the diverse global groups. Each group is composed of 20 directors from around the world and is a sponsor member of the Executive Committee of the company. There are 10 of these groups: men, women, and disabilities, generational, interfaith, LGBT, Black, Latino, Asian and Native. Work as a project or temporary assignment in which members have to generate both internal and external recommendations. For example, the group of women has to generate proposals for internal actions to improve the attraction, retention and development of female talent within MSD. It must also generate external recommendations to identify women's organizations in society to be interesting to establish partnerships and propose actions to enhance the influence and reputation of the company among women worldwide. The other 9 groups work the same way.
l  Managing diversity: Organisations can benefit from valuing difference and managing diversity effectively.
l  Equal opportunity: Equality to all people, without discrimination of gender, race, ethnocentric, sexual orientation, disabilities, etc.
Managing diversity and Equal opportunity compared
Equal Opportunity
Managing diversity
l  Externally driven
l  Rests on moral and legal arguments
l  Perceives EO as a cost
l  Focus on group discrimination
l  Group initiatives
l  Supported by narrow positivist knowledge base

l  Internally driven
l  Rests on ‘business case’
l  Perceives MD (Managing Diversity) as investment.
l  Focus on development for all individuals
l  Universal initiatives
l  Individual development
l  Supported by wider pluralistic knowledge base


MSD has understood the importance of diversity management.
The groups have formed reflect the intention of increasing the potential of individuals in the organization. The main feature is to assign tasks to promote internal and external alternatives according to their focus of diversity. MDS thus seeks to conquer new markets, increase their bank of ideas and increase earnings, at the expense of managing diversity.

The reach of the diversity is quite significant because MDS is focused on internal dimension where are located the following: age, gender, sexual orientation, physical ability, race, ethnocentricity, characteristics that describe people who are part of the divers global group, which make them more competitive in terms of opportunities for human diversity
Another benefits that are present because the managing diversity are the possibility of increases the productivity, reduce lawsuits and increase marketing opportunities, recruitment, creativity, and business image.
Negative attitudes and behaviors can be barriers to organizational diversity because they can harm working relationships and damage morale and work productivity (Esty, et al., 1995). Negative attitudes and behaviors in the workplace include prejudice, stereotyping, and discrimination, which should never be used by management for hiring, retention, and termination practices (could lead to costly litigation).


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