lunes, 25 de octubre de 2010

Organisational learning + managing change and conflict

when trying to understand organization of learning,the first step is to try to define the term learning and methods that are known.

to define learning is very complex because there are different points of view, as many as definitions. One of these definitions could be:

It is a process by which a new behavior is acquired, amending an old behavior or any behavior is extinguished as a result of long experience or practice. Learning is the adaptation of living organisms to survive environmental changes.Maturing is necessary to learn and adapt to the environment in the most appropriate.

There are 4 types of perpective:

Behaviorist approach

It is a model of stimulus and response.

The behavioral approach explains the behavior by the method of observation and the belief that our environment is what makes us behave differently or suffer disease. The main categories of behaviorism are:

o Classical Behaviorism

o Methodological Behaviorism: it is a physical research.

o Radical Behaviorism: All are action are explained by natural facts.

In this perpective of learning are 5 technics that are use to control personal behavior:

o Classical conditioning

o Operant conditioning

o Reinforcement

* Cognitive approach

Deals with the mental process of individuals and the resolution of problems, thus opposed to the method of behaviorism. The cognitive principle is the need to develop strategies and plans, not only deals with the habits.

* Key principles:

* Well organized instructions

* Clearly structured instructions

* Perception plays a role in task acceptance

* Prior knowledge is important

* Differences between individuals count

* Cognitive feedback is the most powerful rewards

1. What is a learning organisation and its key characteristics? Compare it to the traditional organisation.

2. Using the poster by Jay Cross about informal learning, please discuss the relevance and benefits of fostering this type of learning within organisations.

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