miércoles, 8 de septiembre de 2010

Communication + Virtual Teams


Comunication is the process by which information is transmitted from one entity to another.Communication processes are sign-mediated interactions between at least two agents who share the same repertoire of signs and semiotics have common rules.Traditionally, communication has been defined as "the exchange of feelings, opinions, or any other information by speech, writing or other signs."1 All forms of communication requires a sender, a message and a receiver. In the communication process, information is included by the issuer in a package and channeled to the receiver through the medium. Once received, the receiver decodes the message and provides an answer.
The functioning of human societies is possible through communication. This is the exchange of messages between individuals.
From a technical point of view communication is understood by the fact that a particular message originated at point A reaches another given point B, the former distant in space or time. Communication involves the transmission of certain information.

Organizational communication is the process of sending and receiving messages within a complex organization. This process can be internal, ie based on relations within the organization, or external (for example, between organizations). If your organization is a business, communication distinguishes three systems:
- Operational (refers to tasks or operations)
- Regulatory (orders and instructions)
- Maintenance (public relations, recruitment and publicity) BN READ

Communication within a company acquires a hierarchical, based on orders and mandates, acceptance of policies, etc. That is why we must highlight the importance of individual relationships against collective relations and cooperation between senior officers and directors or employees. The effectiveness and good performance of an enterprise is entirely dependent on good organizational communication. Thus, organizational communication studies more efficient ways within an organization to achieve the desired objectives and project a good corporate image to the outside public


Also known as geographically dispersed team (GDT) - A group of individuals who work across time, space, and organizational boundaries with links strengthened by webs of communication technology. They have complementary skills and are committed to a common purpose, have interdependent performance goals, and share an approach to work for what are held mutually accountable. Geographically dispersed teams allow organizations employ and to retain best people regardless of location. The members of virtual teams communicate electronically, so they can never meet face to face. However, most teams will meet at some point in time. A virtual team does not always mean teleworker.
Teleworkers are defined as individuals who work from home. Many virtual teams in today's organizations consist of employees both working in the country and small groups in the office but in different geographical locations.

Virtual groups are the evolution of a set of services offered by all web portals throughout its history. These virtual groups allow users to participate in a synchronized or timeless, dealing with subjects that interest them, exchanging files and documents, uploading photos, and media to share with other users, reading, responding and creating messages.

A virtual community includes chat, forums and mailing lists, among other features, which address an issue and have a common group of users interested in the subject. Today this movement is becoming very strong and are used as official websites, fan clubs, student groups or websites of real partnerships.


  • 1) Cf. L. Cinabal en "Teoría de la Comunicación Humana", Perso.wanadoo.es.
  • Image Source: http://marucanales.wordpress.com/2009/01/18/feng-shui-y-comunicacion/
  • Image Source: http://blog.fotocommunity.net/es/2007/04/hola_estimados_companeros_y_mi.html
  • Image source: http://mba.americaeconomia.com/articulos/reportajes/equipos-virtuales-como-formarlos-y-potenciarlos
  • http://www.k12.wa.us/curriculuminstruct/communications/default.aspx
  • http://www.pstcc.edu/facstaff/dking/interpr.htm
  • Interpersonal comunication, Peter harley, second edition
  • http://books.google.com.co/books?id=HxQkmzOv3JQC&printsec=frontcover&dq=interpersonal+communication&source=bl&ots=aMG3JSJLI8&sig=Lq3XeFH6k2xyOQrCYVylLSGpolc&hl=es&ei=9XCITLn_CcG88gbVzPm8BA&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=3&ved=0CCsQ6AEwAg#v=onepage&q&f=false

Based on the article “If Intercontinental were a sound…what would it be?”*, Please discuss the implications (potential advantages, disadvantages, challenges, etc.) of using sounds to send strategic messages. You need to integrate the use of key concepts relating to the topic of communication to support your answer.

The concept of using sound with messages has created a new way of doing things, and now days it has been adopted by many companies, and people nowadays are associating sounds easier to a brand; but is logical because Sound and comunication have been liked sice their origins. The problem of using sounds is that at first glance they are a very subjective concept and what can be appealing to someone can not be to other. So in order to identify which sounds are appealing to a wide group of people the perception screens have to be over come in order to go deeper into the core values that identify any given group in order to avoid giving the wrong message.

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