miércoles, 8 de septiembre de 2010

Personality, Perception and Attribution - Attitudes and Values

The personality is but the pattern of thoughts, feelings and behaviors that persists throughout people´s life, through different situations.

Until today, Sigmund Freud, is the most influential personality theorist, this opened a new direction for studying human behavior.

According to Freud,¨ the basis of human behavior has to be sought in several unconscious instincts, also called impulses, and distinguished two of them, instincts and unconscious instincts ratios., Called also the life instincts and death instincts¨.

Trying to understand more about this lets mention the five major categories of the personality which are:


Talkative, bold, active, bustling, vigorous, positive, spontaneous, warm, energetic, enthusiastic, adventurous, communicative, honest, flashy, loud, dominant, sociable.

Warm, friendly, cooperative, loose, flexible, fair, courteous, trusting, forgiving, helpful, friendly, affectionate, gentle, kind, compassionate, considerate, compliant.

Organized dependent, conscientious, responsible, hardworking, efficient, glider, capable, deliberate, careful, precise, practical, conscientious, serious, thrifty, reliable.
Emotional stability:

Impassive, not envious, relaxed, objective, calm, serene, loving, stable, happy, secure, undisturbed, very demanding, consistent, placid, peaceful.
Culture and intelligence:

Intelligent, perceptive, curious, imaginative, analytical, thoughtful, artistic, insightful, wise, witty, refined, creative, sophisticated, knowledgeable, intellectual, clever, versatile, original, profound worship.


Perception is the interpretation or discrimination of external stimuli associated with prior knowledge and the individual's emotional state.
Perception is an active process whereby the brain transforms information that captures the eye in a recreation or copying of external reality, which is personal, based on genetically determined programs and gains a unique emotional tone


It is called attribution to search of individuasl for reasons to explain their successes and failures. We say that an individual has positive internal attribution strategies when it is attributed to themselves their success; these causes can be internal (person) or external (Situation).


All people have their attitudes that result in tendencies to respond positively or negatively to another person, before a group of people, with one object, to a situation involving objects and people with an idea.

Very often, the possession of an attitude predisposes an individual to react in a specific way. Knowledge of the attitude can sometimes predict behavior in business and in other aspects of life.

The most important types of attitudes within the organizational behavior are three:
Job satisfaction .- It is a set of feelings and emotions favorable or unfavorable to which employees view their work. It is the attitude that assumes an employee about their work. Logically those who derive a high level of satisfaction with their very positive attitudes provides activities and charities.
Involvement with the work .- It is the degree to which employees are immersed in their work, time and energy are invested  and they conceived the work as a central part of their existence. It measures the degree to which the person values herself through sociological identification in his post within the company. A fully identified worker really care about his work.
Organizational commitment is the degree to which an employee identifies himself with the organization and want to continue to participate actively. states the employee is identified with the company, goals, objectives, and that is inserted into it as anyone else who works there, ie this refers to the service person to identify with the organization and the commitment to Work to identify with their specific task.


refer to stable beliefs that people have an consider important to them according to a cultural background, what is important to me might no be for someone else. For example achievement, concern for others, honesty, fairness and so on.

Please explain, using your own words, the concept of Pygmalion Effect

This is the effect caused by positive or negative influence on people, you could influence both in the end they end up believing it, it depends on the basic idea (whether positive or negative) may eventually render that person a new , improving or deteriorating certain aspects of personal motivation or demotivation. A good positive example of this with the Rosenthal´s experiment : In a school of FP was made or intelligence test various kinds. Uncorrected, Rosenthal selected 20% of the pupils in each class and teachers said that this 20% was higher and gained greater skills. At the end of the course they should have improved compared to their peers at four points their  IQ. And so, four months after students actually improved their academic and intellectual level. Same effect could result when applying this within an organition, where you can convinced that a group of people is better than other because of its subculture.


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